- Конференции/симпозиумы/съезды

Письмо президента Турецкого общества анатомии и клинической анатомии профессора Сендемира Эрдогана к членам НМОАГЭ России о Юбилейном 20 Конгрессе IFAA

Dear colleagues, As the president of the 20th IFAA Congress I cordially invite anatomists of Russian Federation to the 20th IFAA Congress (ifaa2022.org) that is going to be held on 5-7 August 2022 online, based in İstanbul – Turkey. 

As you might well know, the Turkish Society of Anatomy and Clinical Anatomy was nominated and then approved during the 18th Congress in Beijing, to host the 19th IFAA Congress in 2019. 

But unfortunately, the IFAA executive committee decided to change the venue to London because of possible terror activities in İstanbul then and decided to hold the meeting in 2021 in İstanbul.

Our misfortune continued and covid19 pandemic forced us to 2022 and as a precaution we decided to perform the congress online.

Your attendance and contribution to the 20th IFAA Congress will absolutely give more scientific perfection and renew friendships.

 Please note that the early bird registration deadline is April 22nd, 2022

Congress date is 5-7 August , 2022.

